Random Life Update: March 2022

March was an interesting month. *shrugs* Not as bad as February, but it had elements that made it very hard to enjoy. One in particular. *looks towards my sugar glider cage*

Back in December, I came up with a brilliant idea to challenge myself and do hard things. My plan was to do one hard thing every day for 31 days. Most of them would revolve around my ultimate fear – people and speaking. However, we got Covid and I was very busy worrying about my sugar gliders and making stuff for my Etsy shop (which is still not set up…getting there!) I again planned that I would do it in February, but when the month started I was too tired and busy worrying about my gliders (again) to think about attempting such a daunting task. I’m glad I didn’t, though, because it ended up being a hard enough month without anything else.

However, when March started, I knew that I needed to do it then or I’d never find enough nerve to do it. So I sat in my bedroom and cut up little stips of paper while laughing manically over the misery that I would cause my future self. (Actually, I was just cringing and shrinking inside, haha). I wrote out twenty-five hard things to do for the first twenty-five days of March and then stored them in an adorable advent calendar along with chocolate. (Sweets make everything better. Thanks, Mama. <3)

March 1st came and I wanted to stay in bed and not face my hard stuff. But I got up and somehow managed to do most of my twenty-five hard things over the course of the month. I missed a couple of days, but overall, I really challenged myself. I did phone calls, video chats, sang, made an effort to talk more to strangers, shared my writing, and even led a group of other people looking to kill their fears. *winks at you, my Fearslayers*.

All in all, it was a terrifying but rewarding challenge. And somehow, all those things I was petrified of didn’t turn out as bad as I had envisioned they would. XD I shocked myself by being able to carry on a semi-normal conversation with normal people. 😂

Anyway, enough about that.

We had the last two themed meals for Daddy. Russian food is incredible. Seriously, I have no idea how it tastes so good. The ingredients for the recipes look like there is no way they’ll go well together – and then they do and the result is amazingly delicious. Try it sometime.

Oh, another great thing that happened was that I got to meet my friend Oliva in person for the first time. ❤ That was awesome.

My brothers started Martial Arts class. It’s twice a week. It’s been fun to see them enjoying that and learning new moves. 🙂 Jehosheba also started a painting class. SIS, DO A POST SHARING YOUR PAINTINGS. Everyone else: go bug her until she sends you pictures. 🙂

As you know, Dreamer got sick and died in March. 😦 That was very sad, but despite it, I grew a lot because of it. *nods sadly* However, a good thing that happened with the gliders was that I was able to get Ink, Yiska, and Ilona all into one cage. I’ve been hoping to do that for almost a year now and I am so pleased that it finally happened – and with no injuries to any glider.

The Fellowship writing competition on YDUBS started in March, too. For every other writing competition that I’ve participated in, I’ve set huge goals and I’ve met them. (Like the last CWW, I wrote 70,000 words in a week.) However, I failed miserably in this competition. I had no inspiration to write (or clean my room, hehe) and basically did nothing but read a bunch of books and listen to music. Dreamer died near the beginning of the competition, so that kind of killed any spark of desire to write that I had left.

Spring100 started, however, and I was very determined that I would do well in that challenge. If my brain refused to work, my legs could. 😂 The first day of spring burst in with snow. SNOW! *shakes head* However, I have a treadmill and made use of it. Then we went to the largest Costco in the world and walked around there for a while. XD So yeah, Spring100 is off to an awesome start. The weather is warming up, too, and walks outside are so nice.

Purim was also in March. We had a great day filled with music, Hamantaschen creating, and a great movie made by Jehosheba with the awesome actors Nahum, Baruch, Yoveil, and Dovid. 🙂 After a delicious dinner (and the boys’ Martial Arts class) we spent the night eating cookies and listening as Mama read the book of Esther.

We decided to take a little mini weekend trip. It was a spur-of-the-moment idea and it turned out to be a ton of fun! We drove a few hours to a tiiiiiiiny town and got an airbnb there. We spent Saturday hiking, looking at petroglyphs & dino footprints, walking around downtown, and getting supper at an amazing Mexican restaurant. Everyone left moaning about how full they were. 😂 We got to see a partially completed production about the Donner Party. It was a combination of dance and speech and acting. It was really cool and sad and yeah. When we got back to the airbnb, we looked at the stars. ❤ It was fun.

Coffee is important 😆

Sunday we started the day with donuts. What’s better than that? After church, we visited a museum (and Baruch got to pan for fools gold which made him very happy). Then we went hiking. It was a beautiful (and long) hike. *heart eyes* I won’t even try to describe the scenery because my words are inadequate.

Yoveil at the museum

Yoveil and Dovid did an amazing job walking. Yoveil went the whole way without complaining and Dovid went halfway before his legs failed him and he had to be carried. XD

Me: I’m thirsty. I should have brought water.

Dovid: *sighs* Yeah. I want water.

Me: Does your head hurt?

Dovid: Yeah. My brain is screaming for water. It’s drying up.

😂😍 So cute!

After the hike, we had to head home. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 We stopped to get ice cream, cheese, and summer sausage on the way home.

It was an awesome little trip and we packed both days full of food, fun, and memories. 🙂

Other than that, it was a pretty typical month. *shrugs* Yoveil and Dovid were as adorable as always. Here is a perfect example.

Yoveil had just learned how to tell time and was very excited. She decided that she would teach Dovid. A few minutes later she came back to me with slumped shoulders and a very defeated air.

With a sigh, she said, “Now I know how you feel, Hada.”


Another sigh. “Teaching is terrible!! He doesn’t listen and he doesn’t understand. Poor you. I’m glad I’m not a teacher. It’s awful.”


And another:

Yoveil and I were in the middle of Bible Time when she stopped and said, “Hada, if God loves little people so much, why doesn’t he let them stay little forever?”

Before I could answer, her face lit up and she said, “I know why! People have to grow up so that they can get married and have more kids!” Then she grinned and said, “So Hada, you have to get married and have kids to obey God.” Then she added, “But I have to come live with you and your husband. At your house.”

😂🤗 I really wish that kids could stay kids, though.

Another time I was struggling through describing the Trinity, when Yoveil stopped me and said, “It’s okay, Hada, I know what you mean. It makes sense to me.”

I told her the verse where Jesus thanks the Father for hiding things from the wise and revealing them to children.

She nodded brightly and said, “Yeah, I know! God really loves little kids and tells them stuff.”

Yet another time we visited a historic village and there were baby goats in a stall with their mother. Just as we came up, the babies ran to the mama and started to nurse.

Dovid gasped, horrified, and said, “THEY’RE EATING HER!!!” 😂😂😂😂

One random afternoon when I was dying of boredom, Yoveil came in and laid her doll down beside me.

“Hada! You are her sister! You look like twins!!”

Identical twins 😂😂

And finally, one day in school I was teaching Yoveil and Dovid about fossils. Yoveil was horrified to learn that they were made from…uh, once-living creatures. Later that day when we were on a walk, she saw a little worm that had, unfortunately, crawled onto the sidewalk and dried out there.

She shrieked and said, “HADA! LOOK! IT’S A WORM FOSSIL! NOOOOOO!”


How was your March? Highs? Lows? Do you celebrate Purim? Are your siblings as adorable as mine? Are you participating in Spring100? Let’s chat. ❤

March Update 2020

March Update 2021

6 thoughts on “Random Life Update: March 2022

  1. Aww I’m so sorry about your glider:(
    Thanks for sharing about your month! My favorite parts are the little convos you have with your little sister lol
    I got a job at a coffeeshop this month! So that was my crazy event:)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the conversation with your sister 😂
    All that food is making me hungry…
    Also, the challenge you did sounds so amazing and I’m glad it went well. ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

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