2020 Fall Bucket List

Today marks the beginning of fall! Fall is my favorite season of the whole year. The air is crisp and has a little chill to it. Festive smells of pumpkin, cinnamon, and allspice candles mingle with the smokey goodness of warm fires in the hearth. The world comes alive with the brilliance of stunning reds, dusty oranges and deep yellow. Everything takes on a beautiful, festive feeling. Who wouldn’t love this amazing time of year?

With a new season, comes new opportunities for fun, laughter and awesomeness! Here are thirty-five of things to do this fall.

#1 – Make a leaf pile

As all of the leaves fall off of the trees, grab a rake and head out into your backyard. Make a huge leaf pile and jump in. Have a leaf fight with friends & family.

#2 – Create a fall playlist

Put together a playlist of warm, festive songs and fill your home with lovely music.

#3 – Go apple picking

Find a local orchard and bring some fresh goodness home!

#4 – Make caramel apples

This is super fun. Make homemade caramel and dip some of those amazing fresh-picked apples into it. πŸ˜‹

#5 – Tea, sweaters and puzzles

Make a cup of chia with honey and cream and bundle up in a warm sweater. Sit down and work on your favorite puzzle for a while. Relax and take in the beauty of the season.

#6 – Attend a fall festival

Due to the coronavirus, this may or may not be possible. But if you have the opportunity to attend a fall festival, take it! Have fun!

#7 – New recipes

Try your hand at a new fall-themed dinner or dessert that you’ve never done before. Don’t be intimidated – even if it turns out terrible, learn from your mistakes and grow!

#8 – Pies, pies and more pies

Fall is the time for warm pies with vanilla ice cream on the side. Make pumpkin, apple and berry pies for a special dessert!

#9 – Fall cleaning

Everyone does spring cleaning – why not do it in fall as well? Clean out the clutter in your closets, basement, attic and garage. Get a big box and donate things that you no longer use.

#10 – Crafts

Use extra downtime to knit, crochet, sew, embroider or work on other fun crafts.

#11 – Go to the zoo

Head to your local zoo and look at all of the cool animals.

#12 – Hay rides

Again, due to Covid, this may or may not happen. Hay rides can be tons of fun, though, and a great opportunity to make memories.

#13 – Movie night

Grab some pizza, pumpkin spice cookies, a big quilt and watch your favorite movie. Or have a movie marathon!

#14 – Start Decorating for Thanksgiving

It’s never too early! Head over to Hobby Lobby or another fun craft store and fill your cart with lots of great stuff. Decorate your house and feel the holiday season!

#15 – Video chat with friends & family

You may not be able to be together in person, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t connect! Call up a friend, grandparent or cousin and let them know that you’re thinking about them. Share memories of past holidays (and, OF COURSE, embarrassing stories that happened during those times)!

#16 – Yardwork

Do you have elderly or busy neighbors? Rake leaves for them and help tidy up around their yard. It may not be the funnest thing for you, but I can guarantee your neighbor will be so thankful.

#17 – Essential oils

Make a mixture of orange and cinnamon essential oils and fill your house with a festive smell.

#18 – Cookies and candles

Light your favorite candle and set to work making a batch of your favorite fall inspired cookies!

#19 – Celebrate Reformation Day

Why celebrate a creepy, death-loving holiday like Halloween? Instead celebrate our history and the amazing things that God has done! Reformation Day! (Which is on the 31st of October)

#20 – Hike

Go hiking in the woods and admire the brilliant colors and the lovely leaves. Breathe in the fresh air and thank God for all of the beauty.

#21 – Leaf art

While you’re out hiking, pick up some leaves and take them home to create leaf art!

#22 – Take Christmas photos

We always ended up taking family pictures in January, when it was freezing cold. We were all miserable and grumpy. Take family photos earlier in the year and avoid the misery! XD

#23 – Chili

Fall and chili go together so well. Plan a big party, invite your friends and have a chili tasting. Vote on the best. (AND OF COURSE BRING DESSERT!)

#24 – Thanksgiving

Make a list of everything that you’re thankful for. Send cards to your friends and thank them for being awesome.

#25 – Cider

Make a big batch of apple cider. You can also make apple cider doughnuts and gummy worms.

#26 – Pumpkins all around

Buy a big pumpkin and have fun. Roast the seeds, make pie and smoothie, carve it. The possibilities are endless!

#27 – Road trip

Visit a little town near you that you’ve never explored. Make memories and have fun.

#28 – Fires and s’mores

Have a warm fire and roast s’mores, hot dogs and other fun junk food. πŸ˜‰

#29 – Week of soup

Make seven different flavors of soup for the next week.

#30 – Fall collage

Gather fall pictures and make a collage with them. Use different fall colors – yellows, oranges and reds.

#31 – Pack away summer clothes

Clean out your closet. Throw or give away clothes that you no longer use. Pack up your summer wardrobe and unpack your fall one. πŸ™‚

#32 – Autumn mosaic

Using fall-ish things that you can find outside (such as leaves, acorns, pine needles, etc.) make a mosaic design.

#33 – Sensory journal

Go outside and record everything that you see, smell, taste, touch, feel, etc. It can be the way that the leaves crackle underneath a squirrel’s feet or the crisp breeze rushing past your face. Be observant and write it all down. Then try it in another place – the woods, at a festival, in the car, in your bedroom, etc.

#34 – Become fall

You and your friends can dress up like different elements of fall (leaves, pumpkins, bright colors, etc).

#35 – Most importantly…

Just have fun! Make memories. Don’t stress about Thanksgiving or any of the other holidays. Just relax and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of the season around us. Breathe. Rest. Heal.


Did you do anything on this list? Are you excited for fall? Do you have any traditions? What is your favorite thing about this season? Do you like pumpkin things? πŸ˜‰

33 thoughts on “2020 Fall Bucket List

  1. I enjoyed reading this! I like fall, also; it gives me a bit of nostalgia. The smells are so good and the temperature is usually just right. The only thing I don’t like is that the days get shorter, and we have to start wearing jackets.πŸ˜•
    I really like Thanksgiving! Last time, one of my sisters had to work the whole day, and she couldn’t join us; but I hope that this time she will be able to.
    I like pumpkin pie, pumpkin crisp, and around this time, I use pumpkin spice in different things. πŸ˜‹ And apple cider is really good, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Woo awesome list Hattush! I love fall so much 😍🧑🍁 I’ve never heard of a sensory journal. That sounds so cool! And it would be epic to record everything I experience in the fall months!

    Liked by 2 people

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