Help! Hobbies Needed!

Welcome to my house, the place where I sit and die of boredom. I’ve been in a mood lately – just wanting every second of every day to matter because life is short and I’m getting old. Okay, not old to most people, BUT I AM ALMOST TWENTY AND HELP ME THAT IS ANCIENT. When I look back on my life, I really don’t see that I’ve done much of anything. I’ve moved a lot. Traveled a lot. Been an awkward, unsociable, weird person. But has any of it mattered? In the grand scheme of things?

I’ve finally started my schedule so I’m at least somewhat productive. But I still have HOURS a day that are filled with nothing other than me wandering around, moaning about how I’m wasting my precious youth and wondering when the world became so boring.

I think it has something to do with going from working four days a week to barely two. I’ll be starting nursing school in a couple months, but in the meantime, I have nothing to do at all.

That’s where you come in. I need your help. Comment below and share your favorite hobbies, pass times, and ways that you make your every day life meaningful.

Hobbies I Already Do Daily/Regularly:

  • Write (blogging, journal, stories, book reviews, etc.)
  • Reading (my favorite pass time at the moment and what I spend most of my days doing)
  • Baking
  • Crocheting (granny squares, yay)
  • Listening to audios/audiobooks
  • Walking (long walks, every single day, sometimes multiple times a day)
  • Running (finally getting back into that painful hobby)
  • Eating (because there is nothing else to do sometimes)
  • Making/selling glider toys
  • Being around my gliders
  • Playing with my siblings/taking them swimming and melting in the hot sun for hours

Hobbies That I Won’t Consider:

  • Socializing with people
  • Drawing or any kind of art that involves a shred of skill

I’d love your help. Thank you in advance! ๐Ÿ™‚


23 thoughts on “Help! Hobbies Needed!

  1. Um…. designing book covers on Canva! Just for fun!
    Making up characters that need stories (this has proven to give one far too many WIPs)
    Become the ultimate neighborhood mysterious prankster!
    Toilet paper or flamingo people’s houses.
    I… can’t think of any more XD

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeees! I used to design covers all of the time just for fun!
      Hehehe, I just can’t see myself being a prankster. ๐Ÿ˜† That’s more of my brothers thing. But hey, I guess no one would ever suspect me! ๐Ÿ˜†

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  2. Make friendship bracelets
    Try sewing
    Make youtube videos
    Learn an instrument
    Garden or flower bed
    Find and press flowers
    Try origami

    I’ll let you know if I have more… XD I hope you find something fun to do!!!!


  3. Sewing. It’s simple to get started (first project: simple semicircle skirt with an elastic waistband!), there are plenty of tutorials on YouTube, and you can WEAR what you MAKE right from the start. Believe me, that is a satisfying feeling. Plus, there’s infinite room for growth!
    Cons: Pins exist. Also it takes time to learn a sewing machine (though you can totally sew by hand if you don’t mind it taking a while). And fabric costs a ridiculous amountโ€”though you can save money on it if you buy bedsheets and tablecloths from the thrift store and use those, when applicable. Or if you find ladies in your church who are looking to declutter their fabric stash, and tell them you’re interested! I’ve done that and reaped excellent results.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh cool, thanks, Emma! I’ve thought about getting into sewing. We have a really nice machine that we haven’t used ever. ๐Ÿ˜† I’d love to make some skirts because it is so hard to find modest/comfortable ones.


  4. The part about art … Hilarious. It’s like, “OUR ART SKILLS AREN’T THE GREATEST, THANK YOU.”

    1. Collecting stamps/foreign coins and money (I have … a lot of stamps. XD I’ve collected them since I was nine. The coins I started collecting probably before that age, but those have amounted to quite a few.)

    2. Taking nature photos and editing them. Pinterest might be able to give you some inspo.
    (Edit: Oh, you do photography, based on what I’m seeing above in the section of your blog. XD)

    3. Making slideshows of your family photos. I know you all like traveling, so you could consider compiling all of those photos into a slideshow. (Also great for looking back on when you want to reminisce. ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

    4. Starting a YT channel dedicated entirely to your sugar gliders. (I know someone else has given the suggestion on having a channel … but you could still totally do one for your gliders. Do you know how people could be easily entertained by such creatures’ antics if you give them their own YT shorts? XD Listen, if someone could become famous from buying a lobster from a store and raising it … you, my dear Hattush, can do anything. XDXDXD)

    5. People-watching. *smirks* This is fun for me at times because I get inspo for my writing just from watching humans around me.

    6. Stuff-watching. That makes no sense, does it? XD Essentially, whenever I go into stores or out into nature, I usually like observing what’s around me that could totally be used in a story/as story inspo. ๐Ÿ˜‰ (Example a: fangirling over small dresses. XDXDXD)

    7. Crocheting hair scrunchies. I used to crochet these and sell them, but you could totally crochet these and keep them for yourself once your hair grows long enough/give them as gifts for Christmas or birthdays. ๐Ÿ™‚ (Or you could learn to sew them. The sewn ones can be better than the crocheted ones, in my opinion. Ig it depends on how you put them on. XD)

    8. Trying your hand at some writing contests. If you don’t want to people over the Internet, Abigail Kay Harris is accepting submissions for her Seize the Moment anthology. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Also, Story Embers has a contest that closes the end of this month … There are cash prizes involved. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I can send you the link if you’re interested.

    9. Learning how to play Sudoku. Supposed to help with your brain. XD I haven’t played in a bit, to be honest.

    10. Learning Spanish through Dreaming Spanish. It’s not your typical language-learning website with the repetition and vocab and whatnot. Their goal is for you to watch various videos on topics you’re interested in (just be careful sometimes …) and to pick up on words through immersion. (And you could read the articles they have on that for more info. XD)

    Hope some of this helped! โค

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhh thank you for the wonderful list! So many great ideas to choose from! ๐Ÿ˜
      I’ve wanted to do a YouTube channel for glider stuff, but I have a deathly fear of speaking in front of a camera. ๐Ÿ˜† But hey if I just showed my gliders….๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿค”
      Oo stuff watching. I never thought of that but now that you mention it I’ll have to give it a try!

      Oh cool, I’ve been interested in learning Spanish but didn’t know any good programs. I’ll have to check Dreaming Spanish out. Sounds interesting.

      Thanks again! ๐Ÿ˜


      1. Aw, you’re welcome! I’m glad it helped. ๐Ÿ˜€ And hehehe, you don’t have to talk in front of the camera. Maybe your siblings could do voiceovers for your gliders, and you can add the captions? ๐Ÿ˜‰ (And then you’ll have to share on your blog what your channel is so that I might behold these gliders … XD)
        Hehe, I see we have adopted the term “stuff watching” now. XD

        And awesome! I need to get back into watching videos … Lol …

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  5. I notice photography isn’t on the list, even though you’re amazing at it. I also know you like taking care of others, so maybe you could mentor a writer or blogger? You’ve definitely been at it for a while, and i know you could offer a lot!
    As for other things… since you already have an Etsy maybe it would be fun to brainstorm other things you could sell/offer, like writing worksheets, amazing prints of your photos, blogging help, etc. And hey, maybe you could try doing your own NaNoWriMo or doing a blogging challenge. Maybe you make a formula and post every day for a month or post three times a week for two months. Although, I must add: no matter what you do, the quote that’s been the biggest slap in my face since i heard it was “If you’re bored, you should be reading the Bible.” (Hey, maybe you could spend time brainstorming your future house, family, pets, job, etc. and praying over that, since you’re already feeling old and you have some time XD)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thanks Kaley. Awesome ideas! I’ve been wondering about doing a contest or a challenge on this blog since it’s been years. ๐Ÿค”
      (Oo yeah that is a good slap in the face…I need to read my bible more…)

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  6. I’d recommend memorizing Scripture and old hymns. Not only is it a GREAT way to fill your time, it will reap benefits for the rest of your life, because God’s Word never returns void. You could also do an in-depth Bible study, on your own or with friends!

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  7. Oh, wait, I just got a great idea. July KDWC! *innocent face*
    No pressure at all, but I was thinking since it’s on summer break, maybe you’d want to try it again!

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  8. Weellp, I would suggest my hobbies, but you already have them on there๐Ÿ˜‚ Have you tried crocheting a sugar gilder?
    One other thing is paper quilling, have you ever tried that? My friend Sawyer does that, she said it’s fun.
    Bible Studying is also fun. There are tons of sermons and interesting facts out there!


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