In or Out Book Tag: More Bookish Posts

Hey guys! Rebekah over at Books and Hooks did this awesome In or Out Book Tag! She left an open invitation, so I thought I’d do it. 🙂 Make sure to head over there and check out her answers!

Reading the last page first

OUT. I absolutely HATE spoiling books for myself. It takes all the fun out of reading something for the first time. Jehosheba is always reading the last sentence and she ALWAYS regrets it! (And guys, she reads 1,000+ page classics, so to spoil a book that long… absolutely tragic.)

Enemies to lovers

OUT. Yuck. First of all, talk about toxic relationships. Second, I hate romance.

Dream sequences

Um. What is that? XD

Love triangles

*gags* See above for the part about me hating romance.

Cracked spines

Out. It annoys me, but I also get a lot of used books, so I just live with it.

Back to my small town

Out. (My most popular answer, it seems. XD) I haven’t really read any books like that, but I’ve seen plenty of terrible movies with that plot. WHY PEOPLE WHY?

Monsters are regular people

In. If it’s done well.

No paragraph breaks

OUT. I read Don Quixote with no paragraph breaks and my goodness, it was frustrating. Slogging through over 1,000 pages and constantly losing your place is so irritating.

I just started Crime & Punishment and it also has no paragraph breaks AND tiny print. 🙄

Multi-generational sagas

In. Not that I’ve read any books like this, though….XD


IN!! I LOVE re-reading! I always learn so much more the second time through.

Artificial intelligence


Drop caps

Eh. In, I guess. I haven’t really thought about it. XD

Happy endings

This is a hard one. It really depends on the story. There is a part of me that always longs for happy endings, but the more realistic part is extremely excited when authors make heart-breakingly sad endings.

Example: Les Miserables. 😭😭

Plot points that only converge at the end

In. I really enjoy stories like that – even though they’re confusing sometimes.

Detailed magic systems

Eh. I don’t really enjoy reading fantasy anymore. I still love LOTR, but that’s about it. I guess In.

Classic fantasy races

In, I suppose.

Unreliable narrators

In. If it’s well done. Otherwise, it can be really irritating.

Evil protagonists

In. Again, if it’s well done and if there is a change for the better.

The chosen one

Out. The chosen one is the most annoying thing EVER. They always end up so stuck up, proud and completely unrelatable.

When the protagonist dies

INNNNNNNNNN! Like…it’s TRAGIC but it’s so worth it. Think Jean Van Jean in Les Miserables. *sniffles* Just pulls on your heart strings because you so don’t want it to happen but it’s so right when it does. *melts into puddle*

Really long chapters

Out. I feel much more accomplished when I read short chapters. XD

French flaps

Out. They always get torn or dirty and they’re always falling off. XD

Deckled edges

IN! I have like three books with deckled edges and I love the texture it gives to the whole book.

Signed copies by the author

In! That’d be so cool….

Dog-earing pages


Chapter titles instead of numbers

Eh. Out. I mean, I don’t really ever read the chapter titles, but having just numbers seems so cold and sad. XD I’m a complex human…😆

I Tag….everyone! If you’re reading this and it looks fun, consider yourself tagged. Specifically, I’d love to see Rosy and Jehosheba’s answers! 😉


14 thoughts on “In or Out Book Tag: More Bookish Posts

  1. Nice answers! I think I agree with you on a lot of these, but I do enjoy a good enemies-to-lovers, if it’s done well. But I also don’t really enjoy romantic subplots that much either, so 🤷‍♀️

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  2. I agree with many of these. But some of them I have read good ones. Like the going back to the small town. Still, that has to be one of the dumbest movie plots out there, and it’s used in romance movies all the time. I don’t watch them, but I know about em.

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