Music of 2023: Spotify Wrap

I like to think that I don’t listen to much music. I love Christmas and holiday music, but I only listen to other music when I’m trying to concentrate on writing or when I’m depressed. πŸ˜‚ If you see me sitting somewhere and I’m not doing anything besides listening to music…you know. XD

I was shocked when my Spotify wrap showed how much music I’d listened to this year! I thought of do a post & share with you. 😊

I knew that I’d listened to a lot of Sight & Sound Theatres, but had no clue it was my top artist! I had the David album on repeat when we were moving from Utah. πŸ˜‚Love the Maccabeats, so no suprise there.

Christian Alternative Rock??? Waaaa? I don’t remember listening to any of that, lol. Maybe these stats are off….

Wow, 50 times?? 😬 I love that song but man, that is a lot…

😢😦😧😱 There is seriously no way that I listened to 328 hours of music this year. No way! Did I…??? I think most of that was when we were moving from Utah… I spent hours listening to my depressing music. πŸ˜‚

I’d also turn my music on and then go do something else while it played to any empty room, lol, so that could be a big part of it.

Oh, and I also forgot that I used to get up really early to run on the treadmill when we were in Utah (freezing cold) and then I’d go for walks later. I listened to music while on the treadmill and audiobooks on my walks. XD So I guess that is another big chunk….πŸ˜‚

Really, I’m just baffled and trying to figure out where those numbers came from. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Yep. I enjoyed listening to them while running. XD Nostaligic…

Well, that’s all! I hope that you enjoyed this post. What about you? Who did you listen to most this year? Favorite song of the year? If you have Spotify, was your music wrap suprising?


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