Random Life Update: March 2023

*crawls to computer* Can I just say that this month was exhausting? It was very full and very long and I just want to take a vacation. You know, get on a plane and fly somewhere, anywhere, and drown in ice cream and Nutella. Wouldn’t that be awesome? I would seriously do just about anything right now to go on a vacation…

So where to start, where to start.

Food. Always a good place, yes. I guess I’m hungry right now. XD For Daddy’s birthday this year we gave him themed food nights. Around the World in Eighty Days. I shared about Week One in my last Random Life Update post. Week two was based on Italy. AMAZING!

Week three: Yemen.

Week four: India.

Week Five: Hong Kong!

It’s been so much fun and I can’t believe that we only have a few meals left! *sniffles*

Spring started on the 20th and with it EXERCISE! For over a year I’ve been walking anywhere from one to three miles a day, lol. But with the coming of spring, it’s time for a challenge! My whole family is attempting to walk 100 miles in the next 100(ish) days. Baruch and I knew we had to do more. I started getting up an hour earlier (such a sacrifice, I am NOT a morning person) to go walk/run on my dreaded, boring, horrible treadmill and then take another walk outside later.

I got blisters on the bottoms of both of my feet. Can I say that walking 7 miles in the rain on blistered feet was an exercise in perseverance and pain management? XD

Anyway, Baruch decided that he was going to beat me. While I was at work one day, he spent most of the afternoon running in front of our house and he got a total of THIRTEEN miles. *gasps* We’re both VERY competitive. We’ll just see who is able to keep it up for the next three months… *evil smile*


Lots of fun things to celebrate in March! First, we had Pi day. I made two rhubarb pies, Mama made a round quiche and we played a bunch of Pi trivia games. Yoveil and I both lost. Of course. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate and despise math and how little sense it makes inside of my brain?

Next we had Purim! That is the Jewish holiday celebrating the defeat of Haman and how God used Esther to save the Jews! We had SO much fun celebrating together! Each of us kids made a different type of hamantaschen. I made cookie butter, Jehosheba & Dovid worked together on the traditional jam ones and also poppy seeds. Nahum did nutella. Baruch made lemon. And Mama & Yoveil did little pretzel hot dog ones! It was SO FUN!

We enjoyed our treats while Mama & Daddy read through the whole book of Esther. Every time Haman’s name was mentioned, the kids took great delight in screaming and shouting and drowning out his name. My poor little nerves….XD Good times, good times. ❤

We also had St. Patrick’s Day. I was at work while everyone else celebrated, but I made Irish toffee shortbread for them. I also read St. Patrick’s autobiography that night, so that was special. ❤

One random Saturday we decided to “get lost”. We all hopped in the car and each of us took turns saying “turn right” or “turn left” or “keep straight”. It was way more fun than I thought it would be! We ended up in a little shopping area and got several treats. Food is life, people. It was a good family bonding time and we had a whole lot of fun laughing and hanging out together!


Chaos. Yep. Our director was fired and is not allowed back on the grounds.

One of my favorite coworkers left for her mission. 😭😭 She was one of the few people that I felt comfortable enough with to have long(er) talks. On faith and life and the future. So it was very sad to see her go. 😭

Then another one of my coworkers just called one day and said that she wasn’t coming back ever. So that was…fun…

So now we have six staff members trying to cover around-the-clock shifts. 😱😭😵 It’s just…crazy…crazy, crazy, crazy. I’m tired…

Also, reading Agatha Christie murder mysteries at night while you are the only staff member in a very quiet house…. let’s just say that I just about jumped out of my chair when I heard a random, strange noise that I couldn’t find an explanation to. 😆 I walked around the house like five times and still had no clue what it was from. 🤣😆 Probably our ever-breaking most-annoying dryer…

Other Exciting News

As many of you know, I started my new travel blog!! Big Family Travels. Feel free to check out that link and subscribe. Oh no, I’m turning into one of those annoying Youtube people. HELP! XD I’ve had a lot of fun with it and hope to post at least once a week there.

ALSO AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I AM GETTING A NEW SUGAR GLIDER AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHH! I’M SO EXCITED AHHHHHH! XD XD Forgive me while I go into super fan mode for a moment. Feel free to skip this next section. My new baby is a little caramel boy. The caramels are actually glider sub-species and are known for their large size and incredibly gentle, sweet personalities. I’m SO excited! He’s still growing but she should be here sometime towards the end of May/the beginning of June. I am so excited and I can’t wait!! Name suggestions? Yoveil wants to name him BOB which I am utterly and totally opposed to. XD

I made several sales on Etsy and put up lots of new toys and designs. https://www.etsy.com/shop/HandmadeSugarGlider It’s been soothing to work on them.

Also it rained a whole lot in March. And snowed. But RAIN. I can’t tell you how much I love rain. I went for a walk in it one Sunday and got completely soaked, but it was worth it because AHHH it is so lovely. It makes me miss Atlanta so so bad. *cries* I’M TIRED OF WINTER!!!!

Where We Need Prayers

Last week, Mama had a blood draw to just check stuff and it came back with life-threateningly low hemoglobin levels. She went to the ER that day and they gave her a blood transfusion. 😭😭 We are SO thankful that God showed her the levels when he did because if not…

So please pray for her and pray that God would give us answers as to what is causing this. Pray for strength and healing for her. ❤ It’s been a tough couple of weeks. 😢

Also please pray for her emotional state and that God would improve it quickly. Pray that she can see that everyone in our family is trying to give her love, trying to help out as much as we can, trying our very best to show how much we care…pray that she can accept that love instead of yelling and insulting us constantly.


How was YOUR March? Is it spring where you are? What exciting things happened? Scary things? What is your favorite movie? Have you ever made food to go along with it? Let’s talk about random things, peoples! XD

13 thoughts on “Random Life Update: March 2023

  1. Praying for your family! I love how your family celebrates basically any holiday…. It’s so incredibly fun to watch, and I aspire to do that with my family one day.
    Also, can i just say that you have dedication I will NEVER have? You have written 10k (and probably more) in a day, walked/run 7 miles, and kept up with this blog for YEARS. You do not give up easily. WHAT THE HECK IS YOUR SECRET LOL?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Kaley. ❤ *hugs*
      Yeees, we love celebrating here! Any excuse for food and games…*heart eyes* You should totally do it with your family! You don't have to spend a ton of time preping or even celebrating. 🙂
      Hehe, thanks. I just get really entrenched in things once I decide to do them. XD The hard part is finding the motivation to get motivated to decide to do those things. XD

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve noticed! It just seems like such a great way to make the most of time together.
        LOL I could see that…. Motivation is pretty impossible some days, but others even just the sun is motivating for me lol.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Praying for your Mama! I love the adventure, such a cool way to get lost! I celebrated my birthday on St. Patty’s Day, worked on content creation, and focused on honoring my emotions and the chapter of life I’m in right now. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much. ❤
      It was so much fun! Honestly, I thought it would be a little boring – it was kinda slow at first, but once we got into it, it turned out to be so much fun!
      Ahhh happy late birthday! That's so fun that you celebrated on St. Patrick's Day! Sounds like you're off to a great new year. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh that food looks so delicious!
    We’ve missed you at KDWC, but it looks like you’ve had a very busy month!
    I’ll be praying for your family, especially your mom!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! It was delicious!
      Aw yeah I really wanted to participate but then everything got so crazy! Hopefully next year! 😊
      Thanks for your prayers. We really appreciate it! 💕

      Liked by 1 person

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