My 2022 goals

Heya! Last year I had about ten goals that I was sure I was going to complete. I wrote them in the front of my planner and promptly forgot about them. I don’t want that to happen this year. I shall post my goals here for accountability and at the end of the year, I’ll come back and see how many I was able to complete.

No Fear

As you read in my 2021 recap, my word for 2022 is fearless. I want to break free from the confines of fear and do all of the things that God is calling me to do despite being afraid. I need to take whatever opportunities He offers me without being tied back by my own terror.

Speak To Humans

Ah yes, the bane of my life. I love people. Very much. I love encouraging them and being around them (sometimes), but talking is really hard for me. I hate my voice, I hate the weird vocabulary that I have, and when I’m nervous or stressed I literally can’t speak in complete sentences and mispronounce common words. It’s awful and I sound like a moron.


But talking to people is essential to life. I can’t stay holed up in a cave for all of eternity. I don’t want to do that. I want to be able to reach people and impact people and the only way I’m going to be able to do that is if I get over my fear of humans. That’s my goal for 2022.

I’m taking every phone call, every video chat, and every awkward speaking situation that I can get. It’s the only way that I’ll get over it.

Grow Deeper Spiritually

A month or so ago, I was rereading some of my old journals from when I was younger and I realized that I was much more…spiritual then. Almost every entry had something about God or a prayer or a thanksgiving. It wasn’t fake, it was real and from my heart. Somehow I let that slip in the past couple of years. I want to spend time every day reading my bible and set time aside to really talk with God – not just shove a list of requests into his face and ignore everything else.

Impact Someone

Ah. *sighs* I would love to impact someone this year. I want to make a difference in the lives of someone – maybe in my own family, maybe outside. We’ll see.

Learn to Drive

UGH. NO! I should have learned this years ago, but I’m terrified. XD It’s a huge hurdle that I really don’t want to overcome. But I need to get over it this year because I need to be able to drive to be a doula. I’m going to do it. Just pray that I don’t make a fool out of myself or mess up completely. *swallows hard*

Take Doula Classes

Once I learn to drive, I want to take my doula classes and work towards certification. The classes themselves are fairly short and not horribly expensive. I am very excited about this and really hope to make it a reality this year.

Finish Latin Classes

I love learning Latin. I need to finish all of the Latin classes that we own this year. It’s such a beautiful language and there is something so thrilling about learning it!

Earn All 12 YDUB Badges

On YDUBS, you earn badges for completing the monthly lessons. I want to do each lesson this year because it will help me immensely with my writing.

Exercise Regularly

I need to get back into running. I haven’t really done it for months. After I got out of my awful boot, we moved and the treadmill was packed up. I’ve been taking daily walks, but I really want to run again.

Chew Well

I can just see you going, “Hu?” Hear me out. Last year I read a great book that had a whole section on why chewing well is incredibly important to your health. I did fairly well chewing for the first half of 2021, but then I got lazy. This year I want to chew well and hopefully not harm my body by swallowing massive chunks of food. Besides, it tastes so much better when you actually take the time to taste it.

Do Spring100

I AM SO EXCITED FOR SPRING100!! *cheers* I’m really looking forward to it. This year I want to go 200 miles again, but this time I need to do it without damaging my leg because I DO NOT want to go back into The Boot of Doom. XD

Get All Four Gliders Together

If you remember, I have Ink and Dreamer in one cage and then I have Ilona and Yiska in the other cage. I want to get them together this year. I’m really nervous about this because Ilona has already injured Dreamer twice. I’m just not sure if they’ll all go together because the girls are both very determined to be alphas. However, I have a mentor who will help me.

Write 1st Draft of Glider Bonding Book

There is so little good information on sugar gliders out there. I want to write a series of books that will help to change that. The first book that I’m writing is on bonding since I have a lot of experience with bonding with very shy gliders. I want to get the first draft finished at the very least and get feedback on that.

(Also, if you’re interested in supporting my glider goals, you can sign up for my email list here)

Write Two Novels

I want to write two novels this year. Not sure if it’ll actually happen, but I’m going to try. I write a lot during competitions and contests, so I’ll get a lot of that done during the various ones that I participate in this year. I have lots of ideas for the first time in ages, so that’s wonderful.

Teach Dovid & Yoveil School

Mama and Daddy are going to pay me to teach the little ones’ school. I’m looking forward to starting that later this month. Not only will it be great to have that time with them, but it will also give me the ability to learn how to teach people which I believe is a very important skill to have.

Get Etsy Shop Up

I’m starting an Etsy shop selling sugar glider toys. I’ve bought all of the supplies and hopefully will launch the store fairly soon. I’m very excited about having the opportunity to sell my creations. 🙂

I have a few more goals, but those are *coughs* rather personal. XD Besides this list is long already. I’m hoping that 2022 will be a year of progress and a time where I get out of my comfort zone and do hard things. 😉


What are your goals for 2022? In what ways are you pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone this new year?

13 thoughts on “My 2022 goals

  1. These sound like great goals! I totally get you about being nervous to drive. I got my license this past year, but I’m still rather terrified to drive! I’m just so afraid something is going to go wrong. But you’re going to do great! It really just takes time and practice to feel comfortable with it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s a lot of hard goals, but you got this Hattush!! I’m so excited to see how you grow this year, because with these goals there will certainly be a lot of that.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great goals! Praying you will especially succeed at your spiritual goals and relational goals and driving.
    I hope to draw closer to the Lord, also, to minimize more in my home, to get back to blogging more, and to spend more time with my children and grandchildren. I drove about 3000 miles this month to do that last one.

    Liked by 1 person

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