Blog Collab With Rosy

HEY! I’m very excited! Today I am doing a blog collaboration with the amazing Rosy Marr! ❤ It was so much fun coming up with and answering the questions! Check out her great answers here!


The Questions!

What was the last Bible verse that stood out to you and blessed you?

Ooh good question! Psalm 126:5. It says, “Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy”.

Would you rather move to Russia or Africa? XD

Neither? XD Umm, I guess I’d rather move to Russia.

What time do you usually go to bed, and get up?

Both vary a lot. 😛 But at the moment, I’m going to bed at 10:30 – 11 and getting up at 9 – 9:30. 🙂

What’s the last book you read?

Unashamed by Jessie Minassian. It was really good and I’d been wanting to read it for a while.

What are some of your favorite movies?

I liked Yellow Day,  Hope BridgeWhere Love Found Me, Caged No More and Unplanned.

Are you afraid of heights?

It depends on who I’m with. 😛 If I’m somewhere really high with my little siblings, I don’t like it at all. But otherwise, nope, I’m not afraid of heights.

What is one animal that you’ve always wanted as a pet, but know that you’ll never get?

*sighs* A pony or a donkey.

How do you like to style your hair?

I don’t. XD My hair doesn’t work well being styled. It’s thin and looks bad. *cries*

What is your favorite holiday?

CHRISTMAS, THANKSGIVING, HANUKKAH!!! 🙂 There are so many holidays that I love! 😛 You know, any reason to celebrate (especially with dessert!) is good for me! 🙂

Do you like coffee?

Yup. It’s so good! 🙂


Thanks so much for doing this, Rosy! ❤ ❤


46 thoughts on “Blog Collab With Rosy

        1. Jehosheba relies on your recommendations for good movies! We watched a lot of the ones that you recommended, and then when we ran out we started watching *ahem* not so great movies!


                  1. Oh-h-h . . . I have a lot of faves! (laughs) But my top ones are Soul Surfer, Overcomer, the God’s Not Dead movies, I Can Only Imagine, and a lot more! (laughs)

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