A Message From A Friend

So recently, a friend of my sister’s sent out a very important message. It was so amazing, that I asked if I could share it with you all today. ❤

What would you say if I asked you why you were living
What would you say if I told you that you have a job to do here on earth? 
What would you say if I told you that you have a purpose in life? 
Some of us get so caught up in our confusion, in our frustration, in our situations, and in our issues that we start to believe that we have no reason to really live. We cry out to God, begging Him to give us a reason, a hope, an assurance, for without a reason, then why are we here? We look at ourselves and tell ourselves that we’re not important, we have no purpose, and nothing would change if we suddenly didn’t exist. We sink deeper and deeper into depression, into despair, into confusion, and we become blind. We become blind to God’s truth. We become blind to His promises. We become blind to His reasons.  What we think and what we feel isn’t what God says. We think and feel like we’re not important. Yeah? Well, guess what? God says that you were created for a purpose and that He has a job for you to do here on earth. We think and feel like we have no purpose, but God says that He created you to do amazing things. He created you to change and impact lives. What better purpose is there than that? God made you because He has something for you to do, something for you to say. He has something for you to do that no one else on earth gets to do. Not like you. There is no one else on earth like you. You’re one of a kind, and you’re special. When we tell ourselves that we’re not important, that we have no purpose, and that we have no real reason to live, we’re pushing God away. We’re pushing away the things He wants us to do to change the world. We cannot just go through the motions, we are told to truly live. So get back up again, because you have a reason, a purpose, a hope, and a future. Don’t throw it all away for lies that are spoken from Satan. And if you’re having doubts, any at all, be sure to take them one, to God, and two,  to your parents or another trusted adult. These doubts can lead people to do dangerous things. I’m here for you guys, too! For some reason today, God put it on my heart to share these thoughts with you. I know from experience that life can be confusing, dark, hopeless, depressing even, and we often sink into the holes Satan creates. But I know that each one of us are world-changers, if we decide to listen to truth and do what we were designed to do. You can change the world, because all it takes is one brave voice speaking up. Because that one voice motivates and inspires others to speak up, and soon, millions and millions of lives are changed and pointed to Christ.
What will your choice be?

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