Happy 4th Of July

Hey!! So it is July fourth again! Wow! I remember last July 4th….It is AMAZING how much life can change in a year. Anyway. Let’s all remember WHY we celebrate today!!! πŸ™‚

Also, I have been pretty busy this last few days. That is the greatest excuse for not posting, right? Last Saturday, our friends the Cooper’s came for visit. They stayed until Monday afternoon, which was SO MUCH FUN! *thumbs up* It was great to see Willow and everyone else. ❀ We played lots of games (oh if only we could’ve won the Oregon Trail Hunting Game. *sobs*), laid around and drank a lot of Perrier water! ( πŸ˜‰ ) We also got to go swimming in the lake which was REEEAAALLLY FUN!!!!!!! It had been raining SO MUCH that morning that we weren’t sure we’d be able to go, but it cleared up, thankfully! And then later that night, Daddy took us all out on the pontoon boat. We went to one of the islands on the lake and we walked around there! (And Jehosheba and Mama decided to take a walk down one of the trails, and it took longer than anyone expected, so I was running down the trail trying to find them. XD Guys, I accidentally swallowed TWO BUGS trying to find you. It was a real sacrifice. XD)

Anyway, now my grandparents (Nana and Papa), my Uncle Grant and my second-cousin Cannon are here for a visit!!!! They’ll be staying until Sunday, which is so much fun! ❀

It is/has been RAINING here. *sigh* who knew it could rain so much? First a lot of snow and now rain. Oh well. *nods cheerfully* we’ll survive.

How do you celebrate the 4th? What are some of your favorite memories connected to holidays? Do you like to swim?? (Random question, I know….)


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